About The Creators

Adal Rifai, Erin Keif, John Patrick Coan

Adal Rifai, Erin Keif, John Patrick Coan

Social Media

Adal Rifai

Twitter | Instagram

Erin Keif

Twitter | Instagram

John Patrick Coan

Twitter | Instagram | Twitch


Adal Rifai is an improviser, producer, podcaster and writer in Chicago. Adal teaches improv workshops around the world and at University of Illinois at Chicago as an adjunct lecturer. Adal voices the character Chunt on the improvised podcast Hello From the Magic Tavern, plays Adam on the podcast Siblings Peculiar and is the host of the Jackbox game Guesspionage. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram @adalrifai


John Patrick Coan is a Chicago-based improviser, podcaster and streamer. In addition to Hey Riddle Riddle, you can listen to him on Billbuds, the pop music review podcast he hosts with Johnny O'Mara (billbudspod.com), on screen streaming video games most weekdays at twitch.tv/SharkBarkman, and on Twitter @jpsofly or instagram @sharkbarkman.


Erin is originally from Massachusetts but now lives in Chicago. The fish is worse in Chicago. She is a sketch and improv performer at the iO Theater and CiC Theater. She has also appeared on the Hello From the Magic Tavern as Momo the Mouse. She wrote John C. Reilly fan mail when she was 12 and accidentally let a 5 year old girl drink a beer while she was babysitting her. Follow her on instagram! @Erinkeif10